How To Make The Ultimate Lo-Dough Quiche

Low carb quiche made easy - make it with Lo-Dough

Lo-Dough is the ultimate low-carb low-calorie flavour carrier that is so that versatile that it lends itself perfectly to quiche. It's unlike any other product on the market and as such needs a little extra attention when preparing to get the absolute best results.


Here's a step by step guide to make a stunning savoury quiche where you're free to add any flavours and fillings.

Top tip: Lo-Dough is made entirely from protein and fibre. As such they're incredibly light but very filling. Each piece contains a 3rd of your daily fibre requirement!

Lo-Dough Base

Step 1: Roll your Lo-Dough

Roll out the Lo-Dough between two of the sheets of paper found in the packet, applying pressure as you roll. The aim here is to flatten your Lo-Dough, the surface area won't increase.

Lo-Dough base

Step 2: Place your Lo-Dough in a 7-inch baking tin

You will need a 7-inch tin for a perfect Lo-Dough quiche. This will lift the sides of the Lo-Dough up to hold the perfect amount of filling. No need to grease or line your tin, just make sure your egg mix doesn't spill over to prevent sticking.

low calorie quiche

 Step 3: Make your savoury custard filling

Mix 4 large eggs, 150ml of low fat crème fraiche (or full fat if you are adhering to a ketogenic diet), finely chopped parsley and seasoning. Go easy on the salt – you will be adding cheese and possibly some salty ham/bacon.

low calorie quiche

Step 4: Add your filling ingredients

Arrange them so that they are evenly distributed. Here we have added, caramelised onion, roasted red pepper, spinach and feta (approx. 50g of each).

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low calorie quiche

Step 5: Pour your custard mix into the quiche

Fill it as close to the top edges as you can. There may be a tiny bit too much mix depending on the other ingredients you put in. Be sure not to overfill though as it will cause your quiche to stick to the baking tin.

 low calorie quiche

Step 6: Cook your quiche

Cook in a preheated oven at 160°C (320F/Gas3) for 30-35 minutes. Gently press the middle of the quiche to ensure it is set. The quiche will dome slightly towards the end of cooking, but will flatten again as it cools. Once cooked remove from the baking tin as soon as it's cool enough to handle and place on a baking rack to ensure the bottom doesn't go soggy. If you want to crisp up the base at all then you can place your quiche in a frying pan for 10-15 seconds. 

low calorie quiche

NB: Lo-Dough quiche can be enjoyed hot or cold. We recommend a quarter as a good portion size (though half a quiche would still only be approx. 300-350 calories), served with mixed salad. 

For more quiche and pastry inspiration check out our Low Carb Pastry Recipes